In the new book "Gates of Injustice: The Crisis in America's Prisons" author and Reuters journalist Alan Elsner explores the grim reality of the U.S. prison system, presenting a comprehensive and shocking expose of what life from all perspectives is really like on the inside. Elsner paints a total picture of the crisis, drawing heavily on his many years of research and investigation which included visits to jails and prisons throughout the country. He interviewed inmates and corrections officers, sheriffs and wardens, prosecutors and defense attorneys, gang members and police chiefs, doctors, psychologists, child abusers, rape victims, family members, and juveniles behind bars. Elsner recounts the explosive growth of U.S. prisons in the past 20 years, and the political and social forces that helped propel the U.S. incarceration rate to one that is five to 10 times greater than that of any other democracy. Available from Prentice Hall, "Gates of Injustice" can be purchased at bookstores nationwide.